Our pupils are currently preparing more than 80 boxes for the Santa Shoebox project! The children who are going to receive our boxes are aged from 1 to 7 years old. They all come from the same children centre in Khayelitsha. So, we all spent the last week chasing tiny socks, teddy bears and crayons! It is incredible to see our pupils so involved and passionate about this project. Remember that the boxes need to be made by the end of this week. Next week, I will be checking the boxes with some students.
Don’t forget that to be full, a box must contain the 6 following items:
Toothpaste and tooth brush
Bar of soap and wash cloth
An outfit of clothing
Educational supplies
A toy/ Special gift
A box cannot be donated if something is missing so please use the little check list that has been given to you! A coordinator from the Santa Shoebox Project will come and collect the boxes, store them for us until the celebration. Some of us will have the privilege of attending the celebration and see the smile on these little ones’ faces when they open their boxes!
Thank you to all the staff, pupils and parents for their amazing support and involvement in the project!!
Alice Hello and IG2